Happy Valentines Day! NOT! It's 15th today! Hence I blog on the day after "Love" day! ** Grin **
The hype about Valentines Day never ceases to amuse me. So basically you love someone on 14th of February or rather "declare" that you love someone on this date and the rest of the days ... err ... you don't? Or maybe the feelings just go away. On 14th "I love you" the rest of the year I just "like" you because you kinda irritate me otherwise! It's probably just another day to get gifts?
My husband, the sweetheart that he is wakes up on V-Day and says "Happy birthday!" I, as usual look bemused and confused at the same time love him for being so quirky! We both burst into squeals of laughter and just hug it out! This is a ritual we do every morning! NOT the "Happy birthday" but the laughter and hug! Why? Well that's cause "love" doesn't need a day to be celebrated! It's celebrated everyday! At least we do!
Not to forget the facebook floods on sentimental status's and the competing pictures on who's getting better "special treatments" from their better halves (or quarters if your a person with a dozen lovers - believe me they exist!)! It makes me amused and feel a little sorry to see how people unknowingly seek approval from the world on what their relationship status is like! I mean for all you know the very minute the picture of some cliche red rose pic is uploaded, the couple could very well be arguing about how another couple gave each other a dozen red roses and chocolates! Wow, now that's not a very nice day for someone, is it? Come on ... 1 red rose vs a dozen red roses AND chocolates? Seriously tough competition people!
Don't get me wrong! I am not unromantic or against this day. It just amuses me that a day is required to be extra nice and show some extra love! Had to pen these thoughts - and what noodled me to do so you ask? Read chocolates!
"Feel the happiness and love everyday ... it's the only formula to feel contentment!"
I live by it!
I live by it!
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