Ok, so I created this blog hoping that I could use it as a medium to pen my thoughts on what goes on generally in what we all call, life! Clearly, I either prefer to keep those thoughts to myself or I am just plain lazy. I think it is the latter.
The first blog I ever read was my husband's. Yes he blogs. Just the one about how nosy people are when you say you are getting married. After that, the laziness set in and the blog page got ... I dunno ... erased?!
I used to then follow an anonymous blogger who used to write a lot about the happenings and ongoings in the Arab world. It was pretty interesting, but the same facts kinda got to my reading senses and I stopped following his musings.
Off late, I have been regularly reading my sister's blog. She is one dedicated blogger and this blog is actually an inspiration from her. She is younger than me, but then, I have never been a believer of only elders being a source of inspiration. Her writing from the first posting to the current are miles apart. Maturity has kicked in and I sometimes wonder if I have anything to do with it.
I hope that I can be as regular as her and put down more noodling thoughts. How many people actually take the pain of reading my blog is a wonder, but so be it. I don't have a blog because I want people to read my "noodling" thoughts. I have a blog because I want to let out my thoughts and use it as a medium to "un-noodle" my brain! Hoping to convert the Noodles to Pasta perhaps? ;)
<3 Yay! Thank you :D And nicely written. Write more often :P Lazy bum :P