Friday, 28 December 2012


Can the list go on for names for a rapist?! Yes it can! 

Rapists are murderers! They murder the life of a woman who deserves nothing but respect. They forget they are here because a WOMAN gave birth to them from the very same place they force themselves upon! They WOUND the WOMB from which they were given LIFE!

My blood boils when I read any story on a woman's life being tainted because of a man who can't control his dick! Recently, a 23 year old Indian woman struggled to live, fighting for her life because a group of men got taken over by the sex-demon! Still, she fought on for days so that she could live and bring justice to herself and other women who have tasted similar blood! 

The poor girl, may her soul rest in peace! Even if she did recoup and live on, she would have been wounded for life with the traumatic experience haunting her being for her every living day. Honestly, I am a little at peace that she is in a place elsewhere other than having to face a painful life filled with drama! Justice has to be given! Damn it! It WILL be given! People will have to wake up and scream the truth out!

It DISGUSTS me that some men don't have the BALLS to respect women! Respect starts from home! A mother...a daughter...a sister...a mother-in-law...a sister-in-law...a wife...a girlfriend...all DESERVE respect and more! They deserve to LIVE a SAFE life! 

Who ever has read this, please, think of where you come from! You are all from the same place, the womb of a woman! You have come into this world because the WOMAN took the choice of not taking away your life! Please if you are reading this, take a moment and go and hug your mother and any woman you know and just say, 

Without HER, HE will not be here! Without WOMAN, MAN will not be here!

Friday, 21 December 2012


End of the world. So some guy saw some calendar and predicted that the world will end. How original. Whatever happened to the scientific facts about the Big Bang Theory and how the world began. Or did some other guy look at some other calendar and "boom" the world was made? 

End of the world, doesn't mean end of the earth. Mother nature will live on. If anything will end, it will be the end of humans. I mean we all die some day or the other, especially with so many natural and man-made disasters. Or do people take it for granted that they are here to stay forever?! Maybe, considering how ignorant one can be about life. I believe the bravest are the ones who commit suicides. Talk about the end! Or is it just depression?

Taking a look at the recent events. Children killed in the Connecticut shooting (may their souls rest in peace). End of the world for them. The girl who got brutally raped in Delhi. Tainted for life. End of the world for her. Or are these not considered end? Our world is our life right?

Looking at it retrospectively. How many times was it predicted that the world will end? The Y1K and the Y2K bug. Most easy to remember and most common. Again, how original. Talk about dates and calendars being the deciding factor of the world ending. Why do we have NASA then?

No one can predict the future. Astrology is just a human's way of seeking comfort. Predictions are just humans' ways of creating panic. Why predict when so many previous predictions have failed. Miserably! It's like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" story. All lies! But then again, when one day the "End of the world" prediction would come true, we all wouldn't be so 'mockery' about it then, would we?

The countdown can go on. World will not end. Period. Let me go in peace and play a game. Life goes on. End of blog.

Thursday, 13 December 2012


Ok, so  I created this blog hoping that I could use it as a medium to pen my thoughts on what goes on generally in what we all call, life! Clearly, I either prefer to keep those thoughts to myself or I am just plain lazy. I think it is the latter.

The first blog I ever read was my husband's. Yes he blogs. Just the one about how nosy people are when you say you are getting married. After that, the laziness set in and the blog page got ... I dunno ... erased?!

I used to then follow an anonymous blogger who used to write a lot about the happenings and ongoings in the Arab world. It was pretty interesting, but the same facts kinda got to my reading senses and I stopped following his musings.

Off late, I have been regularly reading my sister's blog. She is one dedicated blogger and this blog is actually an inspiration from her. She is younger than me, but then, I have never been a believer of only elders being a source of inspiration. Her writing from the first posting to the current are miles apart. Maturity has kicked in and I sometimes wonder if I have anything to do with it.

I hope that I can be as regular as her and put down more noodling thoughts. How many people actually take the pain of reading my blog is a wonder, but so be it. I don't have a blog because I want people to read my "noodling" thoughts. I have a blog because I want to let out my thoughts and use it as a medium to "un-noodle" my brain! Hoping to convert the Noodles to Pasta perhaps? ;)

Saturday, 27 October 2012


Many a times I wonder how life changes every day and how we humans adapt to these changes, be it weather, friends, environment, language barrier, marriage, relationships, etc.

Change is something that is inevitable and experienced from the time we are born. I mean ... come on ... we get so comfortable in our mother's womb that we cry when we are let out! It's a change ...  we are in a new environment ... it's scary ... but do we adapt ... YES! It is human nature to adapt to change. No matter what anyone says, we will adapt, period. That's how change is. That's how life is.

From womb ... to the world ... to rolling ... to crawling ... to walking ... to running ... to going to school ... to meeting new people ... to tasting new cuisines ... to getting into college ... to falling in love ... to getting married ... to finding a job ... to getting the job ... the list can go on ...

The quicker we adapt, the easier the change becomes.

Funny how a seemingly positive quote comes from a negative character from a movie!

"The Amazing Spiderman" - Dr. Curt Connors aka The Lizard says: "One has to adapt to survive"

And aren't we all here to do just that ... Survive!

Goodnight y'all ... I am going to "change" and hit the bed ...

Friday, 31 August 2012


Reading the title one would think that "hunter" would immediately relate to something to do with being in the woods and hunting for animals. What we don't realise is, every one of us a hunter in our own way.

Looking for a job - hunter
Wanting to buy new pairs of shoes - hunter
Flicking through television channels - hunter
Browsing on the internet - hunter
Looking for a place to dine - hunter
Trying to find a book in a library - hunter
Going for fishing - hunter
Finding a good spot to camp - hunter
Planning a trip - hunter

And the list could go on! Being in the situation of "hunting" for a job, my focus is going to be on that. 

Most of us get bogged down by the job hunting process. The general statement made is "hunting for a job is a full time job!" and trust me it sure is! Finding suitable job profiles, going through job postings, targeting resumes, preparing cover letters, formatting emails...the thought process and the dedication involved in just sending an application for a job is numerous! And obviously if one resume is noticed among a thousand others, the preparation for the interview/s, dress code, scripts...all the possible things to create a noodle wreck in one's brain. In this tedious, yet persistent process, I am sure we job "hunters" would become experts in preparing job descriptions and even screening candidates for that matter. 

Being in Canada and a "not so new" immigrant now, the process of job hunting has caught the best of me. But not once (and I firmly stand by it) have I ever doubted by capabilities! Why should I? It's the other person's loss! Someone will recognize the innate talent that we bring with us. We wouldn't be here otherwise. Having said that, we all should understand that there is an other side to the story as well.

What we "hunters" don't realize is that even the people looking for suitable candidates are "hunters" themselves! They must be receiving at least a hundred resumes a day. Imagine their state of mind when they are actually trying to sort out the best ones out of the better ones. I say "best out of the better" because we are all unique in our own way. No resume is bad! All resumes speak different languages. We just need to touch the right hunter with our specific language.

All I can say is that, I am glad I am the one hunting for a job and not the one hunting for a candidate! I'd rather wait in anticipation for an interview call than look for a "best fit" for the company I am working for.

All the best to all the "hunters" reading this! It will happen. It's just a matter of time and faith!