Thursday 12 November 2015


So I came across a post recent written by my talented younger sister here about Marriage. Of course it got my noddling brain to think about what she had written.

When I was her age, marriage was something that was a MUST for every child, be it man or woman. More so for a woman since she is considered as arrogant if she didn't get married or perhaps something was "wrong" with her! Just like my sister, I wasn't ready at all when I was 23 to get married let alone even talk to a guy! 

I had my fair share of failed relationships by the time I was 21 and didn't want to go down the emotional path of sharing my life with someone just yet! Besides, why did my parents educate me? To get me married? No way hosay! I wanted to work, be independent, show my educated skills to any company and prove my worth, earn at least a quarter of the money my parents spent on me! At least that was the dream!

I moved to be with my parents once I completed my Bachelors Degree to basically spend time with my family (mainly my sister - yes she is and always will be the apple of my eye) and work my way up the career world. But of course, as the typical way of the Indian culture goes, my parents spoke to me about marriage and how I should look at some prospects they found on some marriage website! The rebel that I was, fought and believe me I fought hard! I just wasn't ready and they didn't seem to understand that! I had my fun of course! I chatted with many guys, turned them down for the most ridiculous reasons! I felt victorious for a year till my dad decided, enough is enough and took a long unpaid vacation to move to India to get me a man! This time I knew this was serious!

I took up a job in India just so I could be away from the marriage topic at home. I was 24 by this time still keeping in focus my career and making it as an Architect. After a period of frustrating rejections from my end, my parents decided to publish me in the matrimonial section in the local Sunday newspaper. I was nearing 25 and was slowly warming up to the idea of marriage. It might not be THAT bad if the right guy came along. 

Then of course he did come along when I was turning 25 and my husband is one of the best things that has ever happened to me! I have made many stupid decisions in my life but saying yes to him was the best decision I have ever made!

I have been happily married for just over 7 years now. As I age, my thoughts have changed with experiences of course. My career shot up after I got married thanks to where my husband was placed along with his constant support and of course my hard work.

Today, I firmly believe that everything has a time and age. There is an age for going to school, working, marriage, having children, etc. Life is all about growth. We grow and there comes an age where we need to share our growth with that someone special. 

Marriage is just another special friendship - A lifelong friendship that you commit to grow old together. I found my friend, I sincerely hope you will too because if you find the right person, believe me the journey with that special someone is absolutely worth it!

This post is a personal view. It is not intended to hurt or change anyone's opinion.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Two Peas In a Pod

Sisters we are, ten years apart,
Carefully designed pieces of art,
Different things, we envision and see,
Same pod, different peas.

Destinations same, different paths,
Generation gap, different thoughts,
Similar likes, dislikes have we,
Same pod, different peas.

Older we get, stronger we bond,
Conversations mature, love so fond.
Gossip, jokes, laughter and glee,
Same pod, different peas.

Opinions differ, arguments we have,
Even when age fifteen, and you five,
I am myself with you, so free,
Same pod, different peas.

Memories to cherish, last forever,
Think back our times I remember,
Always here for you, always will be,
Same pod, similar peas.             

Friday 4 July 2014


All of us in life are lucky to have a few good friends, but I believe that I am truly blessed to have a handful of amazing and awesome friends who make me feel special despite being away from them!

On my birthday, I got a call from someone saying I have a parcel. That evening I got an expensive bottle of wine and 2 large boxes of Lindt chocolates from my best and most awesome friend from India. I was pleasantly surprised and emotionally elated! I felt so special despite being miles away!

This morning I got a call from a colleague of mine who has come to Canada to visit. He told me he has a parcel for me! Lo behold! I got a jewelry set from 2 of my very near and dear friends from Muscat who made my days there extremely memorable! I again felt so special despite being miles away from them!

You don't need the person around to make you feel special. Any gesture even if you are miles away, when done with pure and true intentions gives the feeling of 'special' a whole another meaning! These are people whom I am proud to call my friends! They are like my family! Despite being so far away, they know how to make one feel loved and special!

I am truly blessed and I thank God for giving me my handful of golden friends who mean the world to me!

Love you guys! You know who you are! :)

Thursday 3 July 2014


Talking to my mind,
Thoughts within me,
Conversations I have,
Words I can't see.
Everything so simple,
Yet so bleak,
Array of quietness,
Like an eerie creek.
Fearful long dreams,
Disturb my beauty sleep,
Nightmares and ghosts,
Hovering over lea.
Pounding head and heart,
Trickle of sweaty beads,
Ghastly white face,
Awaken me with a screech!
Soulful of strong words,
With God I plea,
To take me away,
Bless me with peace.
Prayers hard and fast,
Folded arms and knees,
These conversations are quiet,
As quiet my dreams can be.

Tuesday 1 July 2014


Unknown faces, through many places,
Come across people of different races,
Memories etched with a sharp knife,
Journey through, walk-of-life.

Paths may scar may bleed on you,
Pain unbearable, feelings so true,
Strong words, causing strife,
Sorrowful sad, walk-of-life.

Smile, laughter, flirty, coy,
Love, passion, loyalty, joy,
Musical thoughts, soulful pipe,
Happy content, walk-of-life. 

Shining stars, hopeful hearts,
Dreams so high, thoughts so smart,
Achievements all feel so right,
Run ahead, walk-of-life.

Saturday 15 February 2014


Happy Valentines Day! NOT! It's 15th today! Hence I blog on the day after "Love" day! ** Grin **

The hype about Valentines Day never ceases to amuse me. So basically you love someone on 14th of February or rather "declare" that you love someone on this date and the rest of the days ... err ... you don't? Or maybe the feelings just go away. On 14th "I love you" the rest of the year I just "like" you because you kinda irritate me otherwise! It's probably just another day to get gifts? 

My husband, the sweetheart that he is wakes up on V-Day and says "Happy birthday!" I, as usual look bemused and confused at the same time love him for being so quirky! We both burst into squeals of laughter and just hug it out! This is a ritual we do every morning! NOT the "Happy birthday" but the laughter and hug! Why? Well that's cause "love" doesn't need a day to be celebrated! It's celebrated everyday! At least we do!

Not to forget the facebook floods on sentimental status's and the competing pictures on who's getting better "special treatments" from their better halves (or quarters if your a person with a dozen lovers - believe me they exist!)! It makes me amused and feel a little sorry to see how people unknowingly seek approval from the world on what their relationship status is like! I mean for all you know the very minute the picture of some cliche red rose pic is uploaded, the couple could very well be arguing about how another couple gave each other a dozen red roses and chocolates! Wow, now that's not a very nice day for someone, is it? Come on ... 1 red rose vs a dozen red roses AND chocolates? Seriously tough competition people!

Don't get me wrong! I am not unromantic or against this day. It just amuses me that a day is required to be extra nice and show some extra love! Had to pen these thoughts - and what noodled me to do so you ask? Read chocolates

"Feel the happiness and love everyday ... it's the only formula to feel contentment!" 
I live by it! 

Thursday 24 October 2013


Some people say "An Idle man's mind is a devil's workshop". Come on ... really? The devil gets blamed if he is up-to something or if he is up-to nothing. And this is assuming the devil is a man, hence the reference as 'he'.

What brought about this statement? Well, it's just been two days since I have taken a 'break' from work and I am going out of my devil's mind to put it lightly and rightly! Whomever said women were meant to be home makers ... seriously ... go get yourself a bow and tie it round your neck!

Maybe in the golden olden days, women were at home doing all girly stuff because there weren't that many luxuries. Let's face it ... today's world, everyone wants a car, a house, a phone, a computer, a dog (yes having a dog is expensive so I consider it a luxury!) and the list is pretty long ... what is it that people call it ... bucket list! Wow! Those must be some real huge buckets!

Let's not forget the luxury of wanting to travel to every place on earth! Don't get me wrong ... I LOVE to travel! But sometimes when my noodled brain is winding, I feel bad for the ones who cannot afford to travel and I feel jealous of the people who are so satisfied being in one place. It's unfair! Why? Well, despite having many things in life, everyone whines about what is missing and how much they need luxuries to keep going!

It is human nature to complain anyways! I complain too but there is a vast difference in complaining and whining! Whining irritates! Be satisfied people! There are a zillion people who would LOVE to have what you have!

Well, looks like my 'Idle" time was put to good use after all. I wrote a post in my blog after a poem saga! Though this may seem like a waste of time to many! Peace!

Saturday 5 October 2013


Fear scared terrified tossed
Pain stricken face
White as a ghost
Being chased
Getting lost
Running in a maze
Bumping on a post
Fall in a case
Soil so moist
Feeling of haze
Body ice frost
Paralyzed gaze
Buried deep most
Wake up dazed
Unfriendly toast
Light as lace
Floating lost
Wanderlust pace
Voices soft
Creaky gates
Silent waft
Death awaits
Awaits us all

Wednesday 15 May 2013


Reality has hit me today,
Today you're the one I love the most,
Most precious to me you are,
Are you for real I ask?
Ask me how much you mean in my life,
Life had no meaning till you came along,
Along with you came your love,
Love so strong it keeps me so happy.
Happy you are mine forever,
Forever you and I will be together,
Together we are so secure with each other,
Other than us there is noone,
Noone can come in between,
Between you and me is our passion,
Passion so deep, strong and true,
True is our love, this is the wonderful reality!

Saturday 11 May 2013


Battering winds, heavy storms,
Tornadoes, lightening, pelting rains,
Floods, damage, squiggly worms,
Enough words to noodle your brain?

Deciding factor for daily schedule,
Jackets or shorts, indoor or outdoor?
Open umbrella, feel like a fool,
Bright sunshine, whoops! No downpour?

Earthworms out, spring, blossoms,
Flowers, leaves, green and new,
Snow melts, feeling awesome!
Fresh grass, oh sky so blue!

Blinding light, Gucci shades,
Feeling hot at the same time cool,
What is the point of this poem you ask?
I ask the weather the same thing too!